LINES: Memory of a Path
As performers, we cross the stage. It carries little lasting significance. We think of it as a means of getting us from point A to point B. As I was working with LINE today, I was investigating crossing. Crosses inherently carry with them meaning, some are "stronger" than others, some are more "interesting" than others. By thinking of crosses as lines today, they became the subject matter of performance. We allowed them to be memorable. We allowed the pathways to be the thing we were taking interest in. I was there, Now I am here, and there was a journey that had to happen in order for that to occur...and the journey meant something. Change became inevitable. Transformation was occurring, because the importance of the move from point A to point B (the line) was the subject matter. Then we played with noticing the lines others were making and the journeys of their crosses. All of a sudden, we were all deeply engaged and invested in each others pathways, taking part in them, and integrated into each others worlds. It felt like the path I was taking was valued. That it mattered, that people cared. This is a gift to give on stage.