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LINES: Making the Invisible Visible

Today I worked in the studio with the concept of LINE! It was a gift that kept on giving. My investigation started by working in a group on the running circle. Ironically, there were only three of us so our circle appeared to be a perpetual triangle. That is until I discovered that by running the circular pattern on the floor the perception to any spectators would be that we were moving in a circle. Our ability to see and work on the circle enabled the audience to perceive a circle rather than a triangle. Had we walked in straight line paths to each others previous positions rather than curved pathways the audience would then perceive a triangle. This ultimately leads to the principal that the performer has great power to community through clarity. If the performer sees, visualizes, imagines, and defines the subject of communication the audience is then given the tools to perceive it. An example arose of a spider! Let's say I want to communicate that I have 8 limbs instead of 4. Is it possible? If I clearly imagine and work in that new framework of reality is it perceivable to an audience, that I in human form can transform and communicate and 8 legged creature to an audience? It is the performer's job to make the invisible visible. Theatre: the Seeing place.

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