The 6 Limbs

We began movement work from the top of the head. Viewing movement from the top of the head is like shining a flashlight around space. It leads and the rest of the body reorganizes itself to follow. Next we experimented with tailbone. In terms of development, as babies, our world is dominated by the head and the tail. Eat and Poop. We then played back and forth between leading from head and tail. Next we lead from the hands. When we are able to reach, locomotion begins. Followed by the feet. Then we did a pass back and forth between hands and feet. We then could utilize any that we wanted and introduced stopping in shape. We added a sense of line, angle, curve and spiral, which created a stronger sense of form. We added the idea of gestural movement, which exists on a sliding scale of size and magnitude. We introduced time as a principal in all of that as well. Suspend Release. Of course we can also articulate leading from any part of the body.
As I was working on all of this, I realized that everyone, including myself was staring at the floor. Just a note...not sure why that was a good choice. I would also like to play with breathe in all of this as a priority in terms of being ready to speak into the space.