Space and Sensation

Today we began viewpoints training with some additional somatic movement. We built a progression of lying on the floor reaching our hands and feet in opposition of each other. We then reached our tail bone toward our head and vice versa toward the the right which created a C curve in the spine. The C curve lead us to a fetal position on the Right side of the body. We then reversed that action taking us back to center. We then did it on the opposite side. The next part of the sequence, beginning with fetal position, was to reach the top leg away from the core of the body allowing for the upper body to drag the head up to a seated position. And then reverse this action down again. From the seated position we continued to rotate reaching with the leading arm, followed by the head, and the chest to a hands and knees position of crawling. From there we began an exploration of space with out vision, letting are head hang in an over curve position we crawled until we were met by another human body, at which point we would share about 5% of body weight in a touch connection and then move on. The next step in the crawling progression was to take lift the knees of the ground, moving into a kind of bare crawl...gradually we would walk our feet towards our hands and begin to roll up the spine to a standing position. And reverse this action letting the moments of transitions be smooth and full of ease. Trust the floor. The neck hangs loosely in an over curve and movement relies on other senses rather than leading with the eyes.
This exercise of opening the body up to the senses changed my whole experience of space today. The gravity of touch was a big realization point of interest today. Touch can be space...or lack of space. It has weight. It has energy. It has heat. It also has tempo. Touch is a breach of space. Making contact itself has a GRAVITY to it. It can mean something huge... or maybe it can be meaningless. The meaninglessness can be huge.