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Moving the Center of Gravity

Today in Suzuki we explored the center of gravity a lot. We explored drawing lines in space with the center of gravity. We drew horizontal circles with it in the horizontal plane. We drew Horizontal lines with it, vertical lines with it, diagonal lines with it as we pressed it through immense resistance. Yesterday we took it all the way to the floor while attempting to remove panic and recovery from the performance of getting on and off the ground. In Suzuki we are prioritizing the technical elements required to stand on the stage, to speak in a space, to walk in a space, with concentration, intention, connection, and energized presence in stillness.

Today I recalled a shared image that allows the stomping exercise to really take hold in the body. The intention of stomping is vital to not giving in to the fatigue of stomping. I am revisiting the exercise not for myself but for others. Today my image was stomping out the cancer that exists in the world. That my comrades alongside me were on the same mission, that we were both fighting our own battles and the battle for each other. I know I was not perfect but it gave me strength to grow stronger to the end. Breathe is vitally important as well. Working from a state of relaxation, but control is an interesting phenomenon to become aware of as your body begins to tap into a state of fight/flight and survival instinct.

Breathing in general today was a big intention for me. In all my work, I was really focussed on having a free breathe support system and strong voice. I need to continue to strive after more concentration and commitment to the voice.

Our first exercise in which we were reciting text was Grand Plie in first, parallel and second. We were descending in a count of 10 and then rising through the whole speech.

Basic 2 in 3 counts...Moving the center horizontally directly down stage with tactile feedback from a partner holding onto our hipbones.

Partnering Difficulty: This was potentially the biggest take away today. Allow yourself to partner with difficulty, don't shy away from it, don't panic, don't try to make it easier. Embrace difficulty.

Relationship to the floor: trust that the floor is there for you. Read it with your feet. Connect to it. Release into it. Give way to it.

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