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Suzuki Reminders

So, essentially I haven't touched Suzuki all year long. And it is always a bit of a rude awakening. But I mean that in the best possible way. It is an awakening. It requires us to deal with the panic of being onstage, to simply stand in powerful stillness with harnessed concentration. The forms are meant to be impossible and that's what makes them a good teacher. In the same way that Time is always moving forwards and we strive to live in the present (a tiny dot on the timeline spanning all past, present, and future)...we are faced with that same difficult pursuit in Suzuki work. Suzuki is a constant examination of the present moment. In each form, we make the statement, "I am here". It is an ongoing battle to make a statement in the here and now. We are building endurance, through it we strive to increase our capacity to maintain focus and energy repetitiously over and over again, moment to moment for the duration of a show. The artist is trying to defy the impossibility of never truly being present, they fight to be there...This is a very human need, is it not. I existed, I was there, I went for it, i fought for it, it meant something, it mattered. That is what Suzuki training is about.

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