The Joy of Pursuit

COMING SOON! STAY TUNED! At the end of May I will be returning from an incredible opportunity I have to collaborate with an amazing woman, role model and pillar of innovation in the theatre and dance world. MARY OVERLIE! Keep ears open for upcoming workshops on Mary Overlie's 6 Viewpoints!
Mary Overlie has been a huge influence for me artistically and also in my life! (an incredible story to be shared at a later date) It is so wonderful to now be able to work with her as a colleague and a friend and to do her the service of passing her work on to others!
No prior experience needed, this work is valuable on so many levels to all kinds of artists! So if you think you could use a little inspiration, whether it be as an artist, musician, director, dancer, choreographer, this work is a rich well that generously gives back and helps us to see the world with a little more perspective.
Six Viewpoints